Class Schedule

Class Schedule

Thursday 11 January 2018


Good Afternoon!

Today was a day for lots of creativity in class.

Today we looked at decimals in money as well as tenths and hundredths when looking at mixed numbers. Both worksheets were able to allow students a further understanding of the place value: tenth and hundredths Most students were able to get work done in class, if not it was for homework.

We first watched a short video about persuasive writing that had students thinking about how their topics change peoples minds.We then continued our discussion on speeches and we looked at the OREO persuasion writing method. We started an OREO  graphic organizer as our first steps to creating our speeches! Below is a picture of the chart that students will be able to look at and consider when organizing the ideas for their speeches.

UOI: Biodiversity
Students were given the task of creating a Phylum ID card. Before starting, we looked at the phyla tree and how to read it. Then I did a mock presentation on a mysterious phyla, the students had to follow with the animalia phyla trees and based on that information they had to guess my phyla, which was chordata. This gave the students an exact idea about how to do their own project. Next, the students worked with their partner on the ID cards. Here is the example ID card students are to create for their assigned phylum.

  • Math: Decimals and money sheet, and the tenths and hundredths sheet
  • Please bring back ski trip field trip form 
  • Ripley's field trip Friday, January 19
  • Ski trip Wednesday, January 24
  • This is a friendly reminder that all January Lunch payments are due tomorrow. After tomorrow, late fees will apply onto the Freshbooks invoices.
Have a great night!

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